Details for Nancy Stevens

Map for Pembroke, MA (02359)


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Households for Pembroke, MA

The average number of households in Pembroke from 2011 to 2019 was 6,663. The year with the most households was 2019 with 6,799 households total. The year with the least number of households was 2014 with 6,555 households total.

Average Rent Comparison State vs Zip Code in Pembroke

People within zip 02359 pay on average $1,585.00 per month for rent while the state average is $881.37. The average for the US is currently $589.88 per month.

Covid Vaccination Percentage for MA

Currently, 97.09% of the citizens of Massachusetts are vaccinated. Meanwhile the national percentage for vaccinations is now around 75.00percent. Massachusetts is above the national average, with a difference of 22.09 percent points in people vaccinated.

Tax Returns Indicating Unemployment for Pembroke, MA

According to IRS Data that has been gathered between 2011 and 2018 the amount of returns related to unemployment has changed on average -55.25%. This implies that jobs on Pembroke (02359) have been on the decline for the past 1. The maximum returns for unemployment filed in this zip code has been 1028 on total on 2011 and the minimum only 460 on 2018