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Income and Demographics Data for the city of , Kansas

Discover the diverse community of zip code in , with a population of people.

The area boasts a median household income of $ and a high percentage of residents with a high school diploma at %.

The population in zip code is diverse, with:

  • NaN% young, NaN% middle-aged, NaN% older residents of different age groups
  • NaN% White, NaN% Black or African American, NaN% Asian, NaN% two or more races residents of different races

Explore the attractions and amenities that make this zip code a great place to call home for people of all ages and backgrounds.


Total Salaries for 66106-3704, KS

Total Unemployment Returns for 66106-3704, KS

Total Self Employment Returns for 66106-3704, KS

Total Returns Filed by Married People in 66106-3704, KS

Total Returns Filed by Single People in 66106-3704, KS

Real Estate Returns for 66106-3704, KS

Weekly Covid Vaccination Rate for 66106-3704, KS